Altus Education Logo


This section explains the philosophy and the problems in the education system, which Altus intends to solve.

It is absolutely high-time that a new education model replaces the age-old education model.

Altus Education Logo

 We will build 1,000  student leaders by 2030, who will solve the world’s pressing problems through graduation from a Top School, develop the right Value System, with a Vision and Mission, flawless Execution, Entrepreneurship skills, and be Financially Free!


The COVID situation will entirely change the way society and businesses operate. The old rules don’t apply anymore! The High School students will face uncertainty at every step. First – the massive change in the Industry, Job obsolescence, and the Skills gap. Second – the Student Debt crisis. Third – Debt inherited during COVID.

The next five years will be critical for high schoolers as there is uncertainty at every step to succeed because everything is in flux and old rules don’t apply. For example, Schools do not know what to do. We have Teacher Union problems. Universities do not know what to do about the situation. Parent’s don’t know what to do. The Industry is moving ahead at a massive change of pace. Technology is changing everything. On top of that everything today has become “Political”!

It is the STUDENT who suffers in between all these Catch 22 situations.  The Education system just cannot keep up. But, why?

The Problem With Education
Richard Branson Quote on Life and Success



1. We have NO INTEREST in playing politics. We simply CREATE IMPACT by building student leaders so they can achieve their dreams. It’s high time we find solutions.

2. We CHALLENGE STATUS QUO – simply because we believe we can. It’s high time we do something for students who deserve it. 

3. We believe in an OUTCOME BASED EXPERIENTIAL EDUCATION and a great LIFE EXPERIENCE. Only the Top Schools deliver that continuously, so we want high school students to get there; the current Education System meant for the masses will never deliver that.

4. We FIT IN with who the student is. Not the other way round. This is exactly why we are selective about finding the best out of the best high school students. We only cater to the select few. We believe in character, and we create leaders and opportunities.

5. We offer the RECOMMENDATIONS, COACHING, and PROFESSIONAL NETWORKS from the Industry and the Top Schools.

6. We believe we can CHANGE THE WORLD one student at a time, and we will change an entire generation of students to be the community leaders.

7. We will NEVER be a money-making machine. Our Mission and Vision of what we want to be supersedes everything.

8. We will be FUTURISTIC and think ten years ahead in the quality of education and methods to get students to the schools they deserve and prepare them for life.

9. We believe in SOCIAL & COMMUNITY IMPACT by SOLVING PROBLEMS. If students cannot make the world better, they automatically inherit them. Let’s build a CONSCIOUS WORLD of conscious people. 

10. We stand for FINANCIAL EDUCATION and being FINANCIALLY FREE. We expect our students to build a foundation to do so, and we train them rigorously.

11. We will always RISE HIGHER in what we deliver. We will INSPIRE the next generation of students so they can change the world because we believe we can. 

12. We believe in the student. This means, once a student is in our program, we take RESPONSIBILITY for their success. 


We Become Your Mentors and Guides

Students of today are highly intelligent and smart because of their exposure to information. What they don’t have is the “Life Experience”. 

We mentor and guide them. Thats the difference!

( Watch the 2 minute Video, that explains the philosophy )

We adjust our program based on their personality, dreams, ambition, career goals and their will to follow their heart and passion. We fit in to who they really are. 

NOT the other way round!

Our Philosophy on the Style of Education


We follow the Harvard Business School Executive Education model for Leadership. It is experiential, hands on, collaborative and based on continuous mentorship and coaching.

We Follow the MIT Culture for Technology, Industry and Impact.

MIT’s hands-on, project based model, system thinking, design thinking and problem solving culture is what we adopt and drive.

Our Philosophy on Projects that create Impact and Life Experience.

Everything boils down to “Execution,” “Problem Solving”, and building a “Project” that aligns with career, college, and life aspirations.

This is what Top Schools want from students. Not just a GPA!

College Counselors can answer your questions on the schools and other private coaches will assist with admission consulting,  but our “hands-on” projects and recommendations will get you there.

While others address the “WHAT” to do, we focus on the “HOW”


Aligning “College”, “Career”, “Passion” and “Life Goals”, we build a project with the student. Our projects are very detailed and deep. It takes 6 months to 1 year, sometimes even more to complete.


This phase is all about researching and finding problems. Assessing what is the impact, who benefits, what are the boundaries, how much time will it take?


This stage is typically reached by elimination of possibilities and understanding problems/solutions and cause/effect. The project finalization is much deeper than a project. It is about a mission!


This is where we spend the most time and apply learning to solve problems and execute flawlessly. Easy said than done, but this where students become leaders.


The entire project has a very critical component – and that is Networking with Industry professionals, professors, non-profits etc as guides. This leads to recommendations, packaging of the project and inclusion in the College Application Form. It’s thorough! Success is usually assured.

Students of today will have to think 10 years ahead because of the “obsolescence” of skills and thus jobs. It will be a different world when you graduate. The old rules are dead. Welcome to the New World.

Prepare! Be Unconventional! Reinvent Yourself!

Rise Higher with Altus Education.

Suggested video to watch: You will learn the changes in the Industry and Technology.  The Educational Institutions are also changing with the times, thus faster you understand the new way of college admission, career planning and the future of work – the faster you can leapfrog.

Please Reach Out If You Have Questions